Wednesday, November 29, 2006

European Imperialism in Africa and Asia

Click on the link below and answer the questions on several pieces of paper. Be sure to properly label your answers. You do not have to do part I. (that is I as in capital i - not 1 as in one).
This assignment is due on Monday 12/4 and counts as a 50 point quiz. You can work on it in class Thursday and Friday and at home.
Use this link for readings, maps and questions.

The "Scramble for Africa"

In your own words - explain the term "Scramble for Africa" .
In your explanation address the following: 1.) who were the main European nations involved in this scramble; 2.) what were these nations looking for in Africa; 3.) how were they able to dominate Africa so easily; and 4.) how did this scramble effect the African people?