Monday, November 17, 2008

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

Read the links below. Then explain how Matthew Perry "bullied" the Japanese into signing a trade treaty. What did he have that impressed the Japanese? Also, explain how the Japanese economy changed during the Meiji Era. How did they modernize and industrialize? Finally, Japan is an archipelago - what is that?
Read these links.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

Read the links below. (And feel free to find your own). Then explain Karl Marx's idea of Communism. What exactly is Communism? Why did Marx want Communism to take over the world? Who did Marx see as the "good guys" and who did he see as the "bad guys"? Explain.
Link #1 Link #2 Link #3

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Read the following links about Karl Marx. Then explain how Marx felt about the Industrial Revolution. Did he like it or not? Explain why. How did the Industrial Revolution inspire Marx to invent Communism?
Link #1
Link #2
Link #3