Wednesday, September 23, 2009

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

John Locke was probably the most famous of the Enlightenment Thinkers. His ideas heavily influenced Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the U.S. Constitution. Read the 2nd paragraph of the U.S. Constitution - what are the "Rights" that Jefferson is talking about? Also, according to the Declaration of Independence, where does government come from? In other words, where does government get its power? Remember - these ideas come pretty much directly from John Locke, who heavily influenced modern democracy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

Read the links below and explain the two theories of the solar system; the geocentric and the heliocentric. Which theory came first, and which theory came out of the scientific revolution? Which is the correct theory?
Then describe the trial of Galileo. Why was the Catholic Church putting him on trial? What did Galileo believe in and what did the Catholic church believe in?
Links about the Scientific Revolution.
Links about the trial of Galileo.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

Scientists during the Scientific Revolution relied on the "Scientific Method" to gain knowledge and information. Explain, in your own words, the Scientific Method. And give an example of an experiment that uses the Scientific Method.
Read this link first.
Then read these links.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

Read the following links about the two theories of evolution and creation. Explain, in your own words, each of the two theories. Then; explain which one you believe in and why. Evolution. Creation.

New Semester!

Blogs below this post are from last Spring - Blogs above this post are from this Fall.