Using specific examples from the film: Explain how Gandhi helped his nation of India gain Independence from Great Britain. What were some of the things that he did? Explain his philosophy of non-violence; and explain how he used it effectively. You may also view
these links for more information about Gandhi. Extra-credit: Do you think India's Independence was all about Gandhi? Or do you think it would have happened anyway? What was happening in Great Britain about the time of Indian Independence (1947) that may have influenced events?
1 comment:
Gandhi's helped his nation gain independence from great britian teaching them not to fight back no matter how much it hurts them because he wants to show britian that they can gain independence with using weapons like great britian used against them.
Gandhi has showwd britian that they will not fight back and britian tried everything in their power to try and make them fight back but britians plan did not work.
His pholosophy of non-violence was not to fight back to show them no matter how hard or how many times they hit them that they will still do what they wish with respect of not hitting them.
I dont think that indias independence was all about gandhi but i think that ganhdi has influenced them that fighting physically wouldnt solve anything it is just gonna create more anger so let britians plan fail.
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